March 2020 Release
New Features
NEW! The Sign up Process has been simplified for parents!
If a parent/guardian’s email already exists within the Meals Plus database, their State and District fields will be prepopulated.
The Parent/guardian will be unable to select a different State and District if their student matches with the Meals Plus database.
A Check Fees Report has been added so districts can create a report of parent/guardian accounts that have made eCheck payments with nonsufficient funds!
The report can display Recovered and Outstanding NSF checks.
Recovered displays the NSF checks where the monies have been paid.
Outstanding displays the NSF eChecks where the monies are still unpaid.
Other Enhancements
Parent Functions
Manage Wallet
Bank Account
Parents/Guardians can add a Bank Account to their Wallet in order to pay via eCheck. The district must have the Enable eChecks Payments box checked in District Information to use this feature.
The Bank Account is added with the third-party application Plaid.
Guest Checkout
Parents and other users that opt for Guest Checkout are now able to use eCheck Payments and their Bank Account to make payments.
District must have the Enable eChecks Payments box checked in District Information.
The Parent/Guardian must have a Checking/Savings Account saved in their wallet.
Recurring Payments
Parents/guardians can now set up eChecks as a Recurring Payment. eCheck Recurring Payments functions the same as Credit Card Recurring Payments.
Disabling eChecks for a district will stop recurring eCheck payments from processing.
Parents/Guardians will be notified when a scheduled payment has not been processed.
Recurring Payments are only available if the Enable eCheck Payments box is checked in District Information.
Parents/guardians can now preview the convenience fees when signing up for their account.
The eCheck Payment fees will only display if the district has eCheck Payments enabled.
Parents/guardians will now receive an email that Meal Balance and Purchase History are available to view once they have added a new student.
The parent/guardian will receive a separate email for each new student added.
The notification email will not be sent if the student already has Meal History in K12PaymentCenter.
Payment History
The School Fee Memo has been added to the PDF Receipt.
If no memo is available, the Memo field will not display on the report.
District Functions
Contact My District
A Captcha has been added as a security measure to prevent districts from receiving messages from unverified senders.
School Fee Payment
The Memo and Group By fields have been added to the Export CSV option.
View/Edit Students
The District can Block eCheck Payments of any parent accounts if their account has habitually provided NSF eChecks.
The district must have the Enable eChecks Payments box checked in District Information for this section to display.
All students associated with the Parent account will be blocked from making eCheck Payments.
Parents will no longer be able to add an eCheck Bank to the Wallet once any of their students have been blocked.
Blocking eCheck Payments on an account will automatically un-schedule any Recurring Payments associated with the account.
The parent/guardian will receive the following message: ‘Your school district has disabled the eCheck function for your account. Please contact your school district if you have questions’.
Student Fees
School Fees Setup
District admins can now set the convenience fee when creating a new school fee.
Previously, districts would have to contact Meals Plus Support to request the change.
Promotional Toolkit
The error causing the link for the Promotional Toolkit to be broken has been corrected.
Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy has been updated to be compliant with the State of California regulations.
K12 Payment Center Releases
©2020 EMS LINQ Inc.
K12 Payment Center Help, 03/2020