Accounts - Offsets Tab
This tab displays the offset accounts to be used with standard journal entries for this account.
- Enter the offset account numbers in the Cash Account to Use, A/P Account to Use, Fund Equity to Use, and Sales Tax Expense Account to Use fields.
For Asset, Liability, Reserve, and Net Accounts with Clear at Year End checked Fund Equity Account to Use is also available. The Fund Equity Account Offset can be different each Fiscal Year. Use the Fund Equity Fiscal Year drop-down list to change the Fund Equity Offset Account for a Fiscal Year as needed.
- Click the button.
NOTE: When you save changes to an account, a warning will appear if the offset accounts do not match the offset templates in Account Setup; however, the system will allow a non-standard offset to be used as long as the FUND matches.
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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021