Input Days allows users to enter days worked for employees who are paid based on a daily rate.
- Records are primarily filtered by selecting a pay group from the Pay Group drop-down list. All employees from that Pay Group will display in the grid.
- Select an employee from the Employee drop-down list.
- Enter an employee name in the field to search for an employee.
- To view details about any employee job, click a Job link. Employee Job Details will display.
- Click the button.
- Enter the number of days worked in the Days field for each employee.
- Enter or select a Pay Period End Date using the Calendar feature.
- Click the button.
- If Days are modified after being saved, the Other Pay record will be updated with the new changes.
- The Days entry will be disabled when the pay group is in ‘Saved’ status. If hours need to be added/changed/deleted, then the saved pay period needs to be deleted first.
- After saving, click the icon to open the Input: Other Pay form to make changes directly from this form.
- Click the button.
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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021