Manage Purchase Orders

Manage Purchase Orders is used to create, view, edit, and delete POs.

  • Select an option from the Select drop-down list.
  • If Site, Vendor, or Created By is selected, use the search field to search for a PO.
  • Enter or select a date range using the Calendar feature in the From and To fields, if desired.
  • Select an option from the PO Status drop-down list.
  • Click theprint link to generate a Purchase Order Listing Report of the POs currently displayed in the grid.

sample purchase order listing report

  • Click the export link to generate a .csv file of the POs currently displayed in the grid.
  • Sort the grid by clicking on any column header.
  • The Printed/Emailed? column indicates whether a PO has been printed or emailed for delivery to the vendor.
  • The icon indicates a PO with an over budget account.

Close / Delete Purchase Orders

  • Check the blank check boxes for each PO you wish to close/delete, or check the blank check box at the top of the column to select all. The close or delete selected purchase orders button will display.
  • Click the close or delete selected purchase orders button. The Close / Delete Selected Purchase Orders window will display.
    • You will be able to check the Close box for open POs with invoices attached.
    • You will be able to select the Delete box for open POs with no invoices attached.

  • Verify that you want to close/delete the selected POs and click the execute button.

View / Edit Purchase Orders

  • Click the expand icon.

  • Hover over the icon to view by how much the account is over budget.
  • Click the view / edit button to edit a PO or to see more details on the PO. The View / Edit Purchase Order form will display. Any information can be changed on an open PO with the exception of the Site.
    • Click the historylink to see an audit history of changes to this PO.
    • Click the balance link to see all invoiced paid against this PO. From within the list of invoices, you can click on any invoice to see the details of that invoice.
    • Click the email / print button for a preview of this PO. From here, you can select the copy of the PO to Print or Email.
  • Click the delete purchase order link to delete the PO. The Delete Purchase Order window will display.
    • Click the delete purchase order button.

Create New Purchase Order

  • Click the add link to add a new PO. The Create New Purchase Order form will display.

  • The next PO # available will be assigned automatically. The next PO # from Purchase Order Setup in System Settings.
  • Enter the Order Date using the Calendar feature.
  • Enter the Delivery Date using the Calendar feature.
  • Check the This is a Check Request Only box if this PO is to only notify principals and/or administrators that the PO is a request for money, and the PO should not be emailed or printed for the vendor.

Vendor Information

  • Enter a Vendor Code or Vendor Name. The Attn To, Country, Address fields, Phone Number, and Fax Number fields will default from the vendor selected, but these are editable.


  • Click the add link to add a vendor. The Add Vendor form will display.
  • Enter the Vendor Code, Address information, Vendor Name, and Tax ID.
  • Click the save button.

Ship To

  • Select the Site from the Site drop-down list.
  • The Attn To and Address fields will default from the Site selected, but these are editable.

PO Items

  • Click the add account link once for every account you wish to add.
  • Enter the account number in the Account # field, or click the binocular look up icon to browse the available accounts. NOTE: If the account(s) being used on the PO are over budget, or will be over budget as a result of the PO, an Over Budget warning message will display on save.
  • The Description is read-only and based on the account number selected.
  • Enter the Quantity.
  • Enter the Unit related to the Quantity. This is optional.
  • Enter a Description for this item line. This is optional.

  • Enter the Unit Cost.

  • Enter the item number in the Vendor Item # field. This is optional.
  • The Merch field will be calculated automatically.
  • Select an option from the Type drop-down list.
  • Tax rate will default to the tax rate entered on the vendor. Click the percentage icon to edit the tax rate. The Edit Tax Rate form will display.
    • Enter the State %, County %, and Local %.
    • Click the save button.

  • The Tax and Line Totals will be calculated automatically.
  • Click the trash icon to delete any line or account.
  • Click the shipping and handling link to add a line for Shipping and Handling.
  • Click the add linelink to add an additional to the invoice.
  • Click the add account link to add additional accounts to the PO.

Comments and Amount totals

  • Add comments in the Comment box, if necessary.
  • Subtotal is the total of all items on this PO.
  • S&H is calculated from the S&H lines on the PO.

  • Tax is calculated from all items with a tax rate.

  • Verify the Grand Total is correct for this PO.

  • Click the save button to create the PO.





©2021 | EMS LINQ, Inc.

School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021