Manage Versions - Employee Expenses Tab
This tab is used to create, manage, and display all employee expenses.
Add Account
- Click the link to add an expense account.
- Enter the account number in the Account Number field. Account numbers MUST be unique within the version.
- For Fund 3, the account number must be an active, valid account according to DPI standards.
- Enter a description in the Account Description field.
- Select a classification from the Employee Class drop-down list.
- Indirect Cost and Admin Cost check boxes are read-only.
- For initial budgets, enter a justification for the expense in the Justification text box.
- Account Total is calculated automatically.
- Click the button.
Add Line
- Click the link to add a new line to this expense account.
The first line is read-only, and fields will populate as they are filled in the Pay Information, Employee Information, and Justification sections.
Pay Information
- Select
a frequency from the Pay
Freq drop-down list.
- B = Biweekly
- S = Semi-monthly
- M = Monthly
- A = Annually
- W = Weekly
- Select
a type from the Pay Type
drop-down list.
- S = Salary
- H = Hourly
- D = Daily
- Enter the amount in the Hours/Day field. This is only required for an hourly pay type.
- Enter the amount in the Days/Period field.
Enter the number of pay periods for this position in the Pay Periods field.
- Enter the number of months the benefit will be received in the Months of Benefits field. This can be different from the number of Pay Periods. Example: A teacher has 10 pay periods but receives benefits for 12 months)
- Enter the percent employed for this position in the FTE (% Employed) field.
- Enter the number of positions being budgeted in the # of Positions field.
Enter current pay for this position in the Current Rate field.
- Pay frequency and pay type should be considered. Example: If the frequency is Monthly and the pay type is Salary, the current rate would be the monthly salary. If pay type is Hourly, this would be the hourly rate.
- Current Rate cannot exceed $99,999.99 per DPI requirements.
- The Current Salary
field is read-only and is calculated based on Pay Type.
- For Salary: Current Salary = Current Rate x Pay Periods x FTE
- For Hourly: Current Salary = Current Rate x Hours per Day x Days per Period x Pay Periods x FTE
- For Daily: Current Salary = Current Rate x Days per Period x Pay Periods x FTE
- The New Rate field is read-only and is calculated by applying the salary increase percent/amount for this employee’s classification type to the current rate.
- The new annual salary is calculated in the New Salary field and is read-only.
- Click the button.
Employee Information
Enter the employee ID number in the Employee ID field.
Enter the employee’s last name in the Last Name field.
Enter the employee’s first name in the First Name field.
- Enter the position ID in the Position # field.
- Enter the site name in the School field.
Enter the employee’s hire date for the State in the State Hire Date using the calendar feature.
Enter the employee’s local hire date in the Local Hire Date using the calendar feature.
- Click the button.
- Enter the justification for the position in the Justification text box. Required on all Fund 3 Budgets and Amendments.
- Click the button.
©2021 | EMS LINQ, Inc.
School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021