Manage Versions - Non-Employee Expenses Tab
This tab is used to create, manage, and display all non-employee expenses. Indirect Costs and Unbudgeted Funds will be displayed in this option.
Add Account
- Click the link to add a non-expense account.
- Enter
a code in the Account Code
field. Account code MUST be unique within
the version.
- For Fund 3, the Account Code must be an active, valid account according to DPI standards.
- Enter a description in the Description field.
- Indirect Cost and Admin Cost check boxes are read-only.
- Enter a justification in the Justification field. If a justification already exists, it may be updated as needed.
- The Line Status box is read-only.
- The Equip Line check box is read-only.
- Account Total is calculated automatically.
- Enter a quantity in the Item Quantity field.
- Enter the cost for each item in the Cost Per Item field.
- Total Item Cost is automatically calculated based on the Item Quality and Cost Per Item fields.
- Item Description is defaulted from the account line, but may be changed as needed.
- Enter a justification for the item in the Item Justification field.
- Click the link to add additional lines to the non-expense account.
- Click the icon to delete the line or account it is on.
- Click the button.
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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021