
The Roles menu is used to apply the same security settings to a like group of users. Each user will belong to a Role. The Role controls what access the user is allowed. A user Role provides a security "template" that can be used for multiple users. This makes it easier to manage security since the user does not have to do a line-by-line security setup for every user.

  • When a role setting is changed, the change is automatically applied to all users in that group.
  • When a new user is added, the user can assign them to the appropriate Role for their job.
  • If a user’s responsibilities increase, the user can re-assign them to a group with more rights.

  • To search for a specific roles, enter the role into the search field.
  • The grid displays:
    • The Role name
    • The Description
    • The number of Users assigned to that role
  • Click the blue right arrow icon to View or Edit an existing role.
    • The first user that logs in will always be set up as an administrator. The Admin can assign additional users to this group if desired.
    • Other user groups can be set up as needed. Several sample groups are provided, but School LINQ recommends that you customize them to meet local needs.
  • Click the duplicate icon to copy/clone a role with all of the same security (rights) settings at any time. Changes can be made once the new role is created.
  • Make any updates as needed to the General, Field Level, and Users tabs.
  • Click the save changes button.


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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021