Site Setup - A/R Setup Tab

This tab allows users to set up the Correspondence Email, used to send and receive emails, and the Logo.

  • Enter a correspondence email in the Correspondence Email field.
    • This is the email address used to send/receive emails, unless otherwise noted on the form.
  • Click the add link to add a Logo to be displayed on the check.
    • Browse to find the location of the file (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .htm, .html, .dib, .mrw, .svg, .tif, .dds, .wdp, .emf, .ico and .wmf are all acceptable formats) and click the open button to upload it.
  • Click the remove button in the Logo section if you need to delete the attached image.
  • Click the save changes button.


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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021