UID Import / Export

The UID Import / Export menu allows users to export and import UID data.

UID Import

  • Select the Import radio button.
  • Click the add link to add a new Import file.
  • Browse to the location of the file and click the open button.
  • Click the import file button to import the data.

NOTE: If an employee’s UID is changed or added, an entry to the Notes tab on the employee’s record will now be made.

UID Export

The School LINQ UID file is a .cvs (comma separated) file instead of a text/flat file. When you go to the Cedars website to upload the file, select 'Comma' as the File Type instead of your prior selection. Additionally, you may also need to select '2.0 format'.

IMPORTANT! Once the file is created in School LINQ, it cannot be opened/previewed before it is uploaded to Cedars, or it will change the file format and cause it to fail. Ensure that after you create the file, it does not get opened in Excel. Also, ensure your default internet browser is not automatically opening the file in Excel as soon as it is created (you might need to try a different internet browser to create the file).

  • Select the Export radio button.
  • Select a year from the Calendar Year drop-down list.
  • Select a month from the Calendar Month drop-down list.
  • Click the export file button to export the UID data.





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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021