Void Payments in Fund Management
Void Payments in Fund Management allows users to void checks. To void a check, users will need to know the Bank and Payment Date of the check to be voided.
Select a bank from the Bank drop-down list to display all outstanding checks for the bank. Checks already cleared under Bank Reconciliation will not show for void.
Select either Vendor or Employee to Process By.
- Select either Check/EFT or ACH for Process Method.
- Enter or select a Payment Date using the Calendar feature.
- Check the boxes to select the Payments to be voided, or check the Select box to select all.
- Enter or select the Void Date using the Calendar feature. Users cannot void payments that have a Void Date in a closed month.
- The Reinstate Invoices check box is checked by default. Uncheck the box if you do not want to reissue the check.
- The transaction history entries related to the reinstated invoice will post using the void date, not the original invoice date.
When a check is voided and the invoices are reinstated, an (R) will be added to the end of the reinstated invoice number.
- If the Reinstate Invoices check box is checked for Check/EFT (check box is not available for ACH), then the message will display: 'X Payment will be voided. Invoice will be reinstated.'
- On ACH process methods, where the Reinstate Invoices check box is not available, then the message will display: 'X Payment will be voided.'
- Click the button to void the selected payments.
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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021